Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sumarry of international aspect of privacy

-hence of the the number online users has increase, the goverment has enacted a large number of incosisitent privacy and security laws. some country had privacy law, some do not have privacy law at all.
-the absence of consisten uniform standard for privacy and security obstructs the flow of information among countries.the ECC had issued guideline to all its member countries regarding the right of individuals to acess information about themselves to overcome this problem and U.S also had created a "Safe Harbor" to overcome this problem also. so what about the country that has no privacy law?.

protecting privacy sumarry

.0privacy is the right to be left alone and to be free of unreasonable personel intrusion.
-the right of privacy is not absolute. privacy must be balanced againts the nedd of society
-the public right to know supersedes the individual right privacy.

the reason why privacy are hard to protect is because of
  • electronic surveillance
  • personal information database
  • information on internet bulletin boards,newsgroup and social networking site
  • privacy codes and policies

sumarry of ethical issue

ethics means the principles of right and wrong that individuals use to make choices to guide their behaviors.



-Involve collecting, storing, and disseminiating information about individuals


-Involve the authenticity, fidelity and acurary of information that is collected and processed


-Involve the ownership and value of information


-Revolve around who should have access to information and wether they should have to pay for this access